Kuljeet Singh Portfolio

Hey all 👋 I'm Kuljeet Singh

( Software Engineer )

A passionate Full Stack Developer 🚀 having an experience of building Web and Android applications with JavaScript / Reactjs / Nodejs / React-Native / MySQL and some other cool libraries and frameworks.

👇 Hit in your console or terminal to connect with me. 🐱‍🚀

npx kuljeet

saad sitting on table

What I Do?

Front End Developer Kuljeet

Front End Development

⚡ Building resposive website front end using React-Redux and bootstrap

⚡ Production and maintenance of websites and web application user interfaces

⚡ Develop highly interactive Front end / User Interfaces for your web and mobile applications

Front End Developer Kuljeet

Backend Development

⚡ Design and implement APIs in support of front-end services and help create a highly scalable, flexible, and secure backend.

⚡ Collaborating with front-end developers on the integration of elements.

⚡ Keeping informed of advancements in the field of Node.js development.

Front End Developer Kuljeet

Full Stack Development

⚡ Creating application backend in Node, Express & PHP

⚡ Integration of third party services such as Firebase/ AWS / Digital Ocean

Front End Developer Kuljeet

App Development

⚡ Responsible for building native applications that can run on multiple platforms such as Android, iOS, or Windows.

⚡ Create reusable, effective, and scalable JavaScript code.

⚡ Leverage native APIs for deep integrations with both platforms.

Skill Set

Skills and Tools